Yang punya seutuhnya diri kita ini adalah Allah SWT. Apapun yang dikehendaki Allah SWT kepada kita, kita tidak boleh mengeluh. Sakit, miskin, susah dsb. Allah SWT masih gunakan kita untuk keluar ke Kalimantan, keluar ke Papua, keluar ke Malaysia, keluar ke India dsb. Kalau iman kita mulai lemah perlu di carger dalam beberapa waktu. Tergantung sejauh mana iman kita lemah. Kalau imannya sudah Lowbet, perlu di cager agak lama, tetapi kalau imannya masih habis setengah maka di carger pun gak lama. Yang paling parahnya lagi kalau kita sudah tidak lagi di sukai pemiliknya maka kita bisa saja dicampakkan dan diganti dengan yang lain. Atau bisa saja kita ini dibuang ke tong sampah dan akhirnya dibakar dalam neraka.
Handphone yang disukai oleh pemiliknya maka akan senantiasa dipakai. Begitu juga dengan manusia. Manusia yang disukai oleh Allah SWT maka akan senantiasa digunakan untuk agama. Jadi, bagaimana caranya untuk membuat suka Allah SWT … ?
Dengan cara istiqamah dalam setiap amalan. Walaupun amalannya sedikit tetapi istiqamah itu jauh lebih baik. Sedikit saja, 10 hari setiap bulan dan 4 bulan tiap tahun.
Dahulunya kerja kenabian ini hanya Allah SWT berikan kepada para Nabi dan Rasul saja. Tetapi Allah SWT hendak muliakan ummat akhir zaman dengan kerja kenabian. Bahkan yang ajibnya lagi, Nabi-nabi terdahulu banyak yang meminta menjadi ummat akhir zaman. Karena nabi terdahulu dihantar hanya untuk satu kaum saja. Tetapi istimewanya ummat akhir zaman, dihantar untuk seluruh manusia. Mereka rela menanggalkan titel kenabiannya untuk menjadi ummat akhir zaman.
Allah SWT telah kenalkan kita usaha yang paling mulia diatas permukaan bumi ini. Jadi, jagalah dengan baik, jangan sampai Allah SWT campakkan kita dari usaha dakwah ini. Terkadang kita masih merasa dalam dakwah padahal kita sudah jauh dari usaha dakwah.
Keluar 3 hari sudah tidak pernah
Musyawarah khalaqah tidak pernah datang
Jaulah sudah tidak ada.
Apalah gunanya Handphone BlackBerry tetapi jarang digunakan. Lebih baik Handphone Nokia 1600 tetapi sering digunakan untuk hubungan internasional.
American scientists have discovered that a drug commonly used to treat osteoporosis in humans also stimulates the Lab Bahasa Murah production of cells that control the balance of insulin in diabetic rats.
BalasHapusWhile other compounds have been shown to have these effects, the drug (denosumab) has been approved by the FDA and can be more quickly performed clinical trials for the treatment of diabetes. This study is published June 18 in Cell Metabolism.
Diabetes is a major public health problem worldwide that arise from lack of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. In type 1 diabetes, the beta cells die as a result of an attack by the immune system. Whereas in type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin and cells try to compensate by producing more insulin. Therefore, the main purpose of combating diabetes is to find ways to improve beta cell function. However, the mature beta cells are very resistant to division and growth.
In overcoming these obstacles, researchers have found a link between bone-related pathways and proliferation of pancreatic beta cells. "Our study identifies 'brake' molecular inhibit replication of beta cells in mice and humans," says senior author, Rupangi Vasavada, of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City.
"This study shows that two proteins, including the osteoporosis drug approved by the FDA, can overwrite and release the brakes to induce beta cell proliferation in mice and humans," said Vasvada, as reported by Cell Press (06/18/2015).
Vasavada and his colleagues, including first author of the study Nagesha Kondegowda, made their discovery by studying the effects of laktogenik hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. This hormone stimulates lactation in women and is known to improve the survival and growth of pancreatic beta cells. When they look for proteins that are governed by lactogen in beta cells, the researchers identified a protein called bone related Osteoprotegerin (OPG). Interestingly, the medical literature search revealed that OPG is expressed at high levels in a variety of conditions (such as pregnancy and obesity) that promote beta cell expansion. These findings suggest the possibility OPG directly involved in the growth of beta cells.
OPG is bound to a partner protein and receptors affecting bone turnover, breastfeeding and various other processes. Vasavada and his team found that the protein and the receptor's partner, also inhibits beta cell replication. OPG and Denosumab, which is an antibody against this effect to stimulate beta cell proliferation. "The findings suggest that there is potential for these osteoporosis drugs, used for the treatment of diabetes," he said.
The next Vasavada will discuss how denosumab and OPG modulate beta cell growth and function. He was also interested in conducting clinical trials in patients with diabetes who are also being treated for osteoporosis with denosumab or other drugs. The study of 2013 postmenopausal women who took denosumab, found no effect on glucose metabolism. However, a more in-depth tests etapi needed mengingta study participants are not diabetics.